Claiming Our Future Ideas- An Economy For Society
Published: Sunday, October 02, 2011

Millennium Hall, Cork City Hall, Saturday November 5th 2011
Saturday, November 5, 2011 11:00 AM (Registration 10am)
Our economic model of development is failing us. When judged by purely economic measures such as GDP growth is stagnant. The economic system doesn't serve society-unemployment is high, public services are being cut and wealth and income are increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few, creating damaging inequalities.It is bad for the environment- natural resources are rapidly diminishing and ecosystems on which we all depend are being destroyed.
It's time to talk about alternatives. It's time to talk about an economy for society.
Claiming Our Future in association with PlanBetter (part of IEN the Irish Environmental Network) is organisinga national discussion on our economic system in Cork. Individuals and people from a wide range of civil society organisations will talk through the issues on November 5th. A working group will be organised to implement the ideas discussed and to promote an economy for society.
What is your vision for social progress?
Does our economic system contribute to this vision?
How does economic growth serve society, the environment and the economy itself?
Do we need: Stronger regulation of corporations? Technological innovation?
A new localism? Education for change? A steady state economy?
What do we need to do to advance alternatives? What do I need to do?
This event aims to:
1. Share information and perspectives about whether our current economic system serves our society and the environment and what an economic system based on the values of environmental sustainability and equality would require.
2. Encourage and support debate and action across the country to build support for an economic system based on environmental sustainabilityand equality.
3. Identify initiatives that participants, civil society organisations and Claiming Our Future could take to progress alternatives to the current economic system.